Spinal Base

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki
Spinal Base
Rarity Common
Spawn Locations
K-Marks / Weight100
Faction Reputation3
Faction Rep / Weight1

Strider Base is an item found as harvested from striders on Fortuna III.


Wanted for several rare materials easily harvested from the spine, as well as for research by those looking into the origins of Fortuna III's hostile creatures.


Harvested from dead Striders.


Spinal Base has one or multiple uses in The Cycle: Frontier. To complete all missions and quarter upgrades, this item is needed 41 times.

Uses for Spinal Base
Type Quantity
Your Civic Duty Part 2 3
Dangerous Science Part 3 3
Research Costs Part 2 20
Alternative Energies 15
Gun Manufacturing 10
Personal Quarters
Increase Safe Pocket Size 1.1 3
Aurum Generator Rate 1.1 6
Aurum Generator Cap 1.1 6
Printing Recipes
Standard Restorative Helmet 4
Medium Creature Dmg 3
Light Creature Dmg 3
Standard Shields 5
Standard Tactical Shields 5
Standard Helmet 5
Standard Tactical Helmet 4
Standard Restorative Shields 5


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