Mature Rattler Eyes

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki
Mature Rattler Eyes
Mature Rattler Eyes.png
RarityRareRarity.svg Rare
Spawn Locations
Weight5 UI-WeightIcon.png
K-Marks5126 KMarks.png
K-Marks / Weight1025 KMarks.png
Faction Reputation51 Reputation.png
Faction Rep / Weight10 Reputation.png

Mature Rattler Eyes are an rare drop which can be harvested by killing Mature Rattlers.


The eyes of a dead Mature Rattler. Age only improved the thing's sight...


Can be harvested by killing Mature Rattlers.


Mature Rattler Eyes.pngMature Rattler Eyes has one or multiple uses in The Cycle: Frontier. To complete all missions and quarter upgrades, this item is needed 19 times.

Uses for Mature Rattler Eyes
Type Quantity
Field Research Part 9 3
The Progenitor Device Part 18 5
Personal Quarters
Aurum Generator Rate 10.2 11


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