Your Civic Duty

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki

Your Civic Duty is a Mission for the ICA faction. It is the first mission for ICA. Your Civic Duty has 5 mission parts.


The Independent Civilian Advisory are all about keeping Prospect Station afloat and everyone in it alive. Will you step up and help? A talented prospector could benefit from being on their good side...


Part Image

'Welcome! The ICA is always looking for new Prospectors to work with, but let's see if you have what it takes. Let's start easy... search through any containers and crates on Bright Sands, maybe you'll find something useful!'



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'Ah, there's a matter we would like your help with. A few months ago a photojournalist from one of the Artery systems came to us asking for 'permission' to do some wildlife photography. Naturally we turned her away, but she must have found a different way to the surface, as someone spotted her Camera Drone hovering around the Lagoon.. '




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