Never Give Up

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki

Never Give Up is a Mission for the ICA faction. It is unlocked after completing Project Fireball Part 8. Never Give Up has 3 mission parts.


Things didn't work out with the prototype power generator, but at least it didn't blow up. The research you gathered hinted at another project, so there's still some hope the ICA can find an alternative power source and get out from under Korolev's thumb.


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'Project Fireball was a bust, barely any power output before all the safeties kicked in and deadlocked the system. At least we have a lead on an alternative, something called 'NiC' they were searching for in several locations. Head to the first one on the list for me, once it's clear I can send a few people down to investigate. '



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'This whole ordeal has sapped too many of our funds and resources, we need to get back in people's minds, and their cash in our pockets. I want you to head to the old Geothermal Plant and remind anyone in the area that ICA sells the best weaponry. And bring back some loot while you're in the area, for the sake of appearances. '




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