The Community Needs You

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki

The Community Needs You is a Mission for the ICA faction. It is unlocked after completing Back to Basics Part 4. The Community Needs You has 3 mission parts.


You're starting to really make a name for yourself in the community, Prospector. They're beginning to trust you more and, with that, ask for your help more.


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'Don't spread this around, but the freighter bringing fresh supplies for the station isn't just 'running late', it's missing. Our inventory on several items is already low and getting worse by the day. Thankfully the planet has all we need... it's just 'a bit' hard to get to. Here's a list of what we need the most. '



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'I've been stumped trying to find a birthday gift for one of ICA's oldest members, but I think I've finally got it. This woman holds a real grudge against rattlers, says no matter where she went in the final evac days, they were there hounding her. Head to these locations and take some out, I'm sure she'll love the footage. '




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