Working for the Community

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki

Working for the Community is a Mission for the ICA faction. It is unlocked after completing Project Fireball Part 6. Working for the Community has 3 mission parts.


The ICA often receives job commissions and requests for prospectors to carry out, acting as a sort of middleman to access the planet. Handling these jobs keeps the ICA happy, and they pay well enough, too.


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'Good, you're here. We have a request from a former colonist to stash some items on the surface. We get these from time to time; it started out as people hoping their loved ones were still down there, in need of supplies... These days it's just a ritual for them. I guess this is how weird traditions start, huh?'



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'Another prospector took a bad beating in Crescent Falls; foam kit failed to deploy fully and left his arm exposed. Not much left of it when the retrieval bot got to him, and he wants revenge. I hope you can satisfy his request?'




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