Mature Rattler Head

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki
Mature Rattler Head
Mature Rattler Head.png
RarityLegendaryRarity.svg Legendary
Spawn Locations
Weight15 UI-WeightIcon.png
K-Marks52548 KMarks.png
K-Marks / Weight3503 KMarks.png
Faction Reputation525 Reputation.png
Faction Rep / Weight35 Reputation.png

a Mature Rattler Head is a RareRarity.svgRare item which can be harvested by killing Mature Rattlers.


The torn off head of a dead Mature Rattler. These things do NOT age gracefully...


Can be harvested by killing Mature Rattlers.


This item has no uses in any Missions, Jobs, Personal Quarters, Forge Recipes, or Printing Recipes. It is purely for selling to a Faction vendor.


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