Hay Fields

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki
Hay Fields
Map Crescent Falls
Grid Square A2-B3
Danger Level High

Hay Fields is a place of interest in the North-West of Crescent Falls.


Hay Fields is situated on the North-Western edge of the map, between Pumpkin Fields & Nutrion Farms Warehouse in the north, Jungle Thermal Ponds to the east and Fallen Tree to the south.


The area is one of the most common areas for prospectors to drop down into on Crescent Falls. This is because it is a vast flat area without too many obstacles, which means it is not a safe place to be in for any amount of time after landing.

On the northeast edge of the area, near the river and waterfalls, prospectors will be able to find one of the Evac locations, offering safe travel back to the station.

Scattered around the Hay Fields are old machinery, buildings and farming supplies, providing some cover for prospectors in an otherwise very open area.

Prospectors are expected to visit the Hey Fields as part of the quest A Powerful Discovery - Part 1.


There is loose loot around the area, near benches under tarps and around the buildings. Prospectors may also find some coolers and civilian lockers inside some of the buildings.

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