Waterfall Labs

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki
Waterfall Labs
Map Bright Sands
Grid Square E2, F2
Danger Level Moderate
Faction Osiris

Waterfall Labs is a place of interest in the north-western part of the Bright Sands.


Cluttered and vacant, the sprawling Osiris Waterfall Lab is a research facility dedicated to understanding the creatures local to Fortuna III. Residing above the northern segment of Lake, the abandoned labs are chock full of research material, high-tech science equipment, medical supplies, and hostile creatures held out by the structure itself.


Waterfall Labs features several buildings strewn about connected by tunnel-style hallways. Many of the rooms share similar purpose, such as: medical procedures, biological research, scientific equipment, and cargo space. Waterfall Labs also contains a Dead Drop. Some rooms also have secondary floors.



Waterfall Labs is known to have various cabinets, coolers, medical crates, safes, and weapons chests; as well as a variety of floor loot. This can contain: optic glass, poly-metal prefabricate, circuit boards, electrical cables, and medical supplies.

Evac Locations

Waterfall Labs contains two Evac Locations, one at the north-western corner of the facility inside a cargo lot, and another at the north-eastern corner of the location across from a separate building atop a large rocky hill.

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