The Melee weapon is always available for every player regardless of their loadout. The Melee weapon has a basic and a charged attack. Performing any attack with a melee weapon costs stamina.
- The basic attack has 45
Damage and 10
Penetration. This is a quick swipe with no charge up time.
- The charged attack has 70
Damage 12
Penetration. This is an attack that requires holding down the attack button to charge it. It can be let go at any moment to make the attack. While the attack is charged, the prospector moves slower.
Combat Knife is a default melee weapon available for every player. Additional cosmetic variation can be obtained through different means. Players can use character customization screen to change melee weapon appearance. All melee skins have the same exact stats.
List of melee cosmetics
This is an incomplete list of all melee cosmetics in The Cycle: Frontier.
Update history
- Damage reduced from 45 to 40
- This is to address the "one-shotting" of our fellow Striders, an unintentional result in Patch 2.7.0 when we tuned their health.
- You can charge your heavy melee attack when sprinting again, setting you once more on a warpath to unbridled mayhem and fury
- You can sprint while charging a melee attack
- Your sprinting speed is however reduced while charging a melee attack
- Improved general fluidity and responsiveness of the heavy melee strike, so delivering very hard head bonks should be a smoother experience