Mature Rattler Eyes

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki
Mature Rattler Eyes
Mature Rattler Eyes.png
Type Creature
Rarity RareRarity.svgRare
Spawn Locations BS CF TI
Weight 5 UI-WeightIcon.png
K-Marks 5126 KMarks.png
K-Marks / Weight 1025 KMarks.png
Faction Reputation 51 Reputation.png
Faction Rep / Weight 10.2 Reputation.png

Mature Rattler Eyes are an rare drop which can be harvested by killing Mature Rattlers.

In-Game description

The eyes of a dead Mature Rattler. Age only improved the thing's sight...


Can be harvested by killing Mature Rattlers.


Personal Quarter

Mature Rattler Eyes is used in the following Personal Quarters upgrades

Generator Upgrades

Generator Level Upgrade Quantity
Aurum Rate 10 2/5 11x

Inventory Upgrades


Workbench Upgrades


Quarters Upgrades


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