Savage Marauder Flesh

From The Cycle: Frontier Wiki
Revision as of 14:59, 22 December 2022 by VeryGreatFrog (talk | contribs) (→‎Uses: Table)
Savage Marauder Flesh
Savage Marauder Flesh.png
Type Creature
Rarity EpicRarity.svgEpic
Spawn Locations BS CF TI
Weight 10 UI-WeightIcon.png
K-Marks 11533 KMarks.png
K-Marks / Weight 1153 KMarks.png
Faction Reputation 115 Reputation.png
Faction Rep / Weight 11.5 Reputation.png

In-Game description

A chunk of Savage Marauder flesh. Burns if you touch it without gloves.


(Information needed)


Uses for Savage Marauder Flesh
Type Quantity
The Progenitor Device Part 16 3
Forge Recipes
Health restoration per second 2
Maximum health 2
Faster Stim and Medkit use 2
Quarter Upgrades
Quarters level 7 1
Generate aurum rate 4-4/5 5
Generate K-Marks rate 4-1/5 4
Generate aurum cap 3-5/5 4

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